Friday, January 3, 2020

Report of ANA Land presented at the AGM of the 38th ANA International Convention in Enugu, Enugu State, on Saturday, November 2, 2019



On Saturday, October 27, 2018, the report of the Committee was read to the Congress during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association’s 37th International Convention in Lagos, Lagos State. In further elucidation, the Congress was intimated of the monthly inspections of  the Mamman Vatsa Writers’ Village, Mpape, Abuja, by the National Legal Adviser (the Secretary to the Committee) as well as the written feedbacks of such inspections to the National Executive. Mention was also made of how the carcasses of the 50-bedroom terrace Hotel units and other on-going projects will be delivered by the sub-contractor (NBC Infrastructure West African Ltd) to the developer (Korlie Mobs Ventures Ltd, KMVL for short) which will continue to the completion  stage and furnish them as well. In other words, the delivery of the carcasses will be made to KMVL and not to the Association as the former, given the terms of the MOU entered between the latter and the Association, is contractually under obligation to put the finishing touches to the project and furnish them.
Since last year's Convention, ANA National Executive has not rested on its oars but has been working assiduously to deliver on its promises after the sacred mandate given to it by the Congress.


To fully appreciate the level of development at Mamman Vatsa Writers’ Village, Maitama Extension, Mpape, Abuja, since the inception of the Denja Abdullahi-led administration, the indulgence of the Congress is craved to reproduce a succinct recapitulation of the reports of the Land Committee presented to the Congress at its AGM in the years 2016-2018 as it is very germane for a full grasp of the story of Writers Village. History is not all about when the rain began to beat us, but equally important, is when everything good began to happen to us.

(a)        Appointment of ANA Land Committee by the National Executive of the Association at its inaugural meeting on January 11, 2016, headed by Dr. Wale Okediran (Chairman) with National Legal Adviser as its Secretary. Other members include Camillus Ukah (ANA Vice-President), Aminu Sheikh (ANA Niger) and Ahmed Maiwada (former ANA National Legal Adviser);
(b)        The provision of some level of infrastructure on the site by ANA/KMVL (the developer) with a view to preventing the federal government from taking over the land (revocation) despite the non-release of the Certificate of Occupancy from Abuja Geographical Information System (AGIS).
(c)        Massive re-clearing and re-grading of the site to commence infrastructural works and carry out basic landscaping of specific areas;
(d)       Construction of gate and complete fencing of the Writers’ Village was in progress;
The items mentioned in paragraphs (a) – (d) above were verified by members of the Congress on October 28, 2016, at an ANA National Executive-organised tour of the land during the 35th ANA International Convention in Abuja from October 27-30, 2016. The report was rounded off with some recommendations by the Land Committee.

(1)        Foundation-laying Ceremony under the present Denja Abdullahi administration on Friday, May 26, 2017 at the site. This was almost four years after the Ground-breaking Ceremony by ANA during the Prof. Remi Raji administration in February, 2013 after which all the illegal structures including trees planted by trespassers were destroyed by the FCT Development Control Unit;
(2)        Construction and furnishing of temporary ANA National Secretariat on the land (completely made of burnt brick blocks) which cost over Three Million Naira (N3, 000,000.00) and had since become operational from January, 2018, with most of ANA’s effects already moved from the Lagos secretariat situated at National Theatre, Iganmu, Lagos, Lagos State, to the present temporary National Secretariat at the Writers’ Village. This was followed (for the first time in the history of the Association) by the opening of a Private Mail Bag (P. M. B. 18485,later 518) with the National Postal Service of Nigeria, domiciled at Area 10, Garki, Abuja, where correspondences and entries for ANA Prizes are now received;
(3)        Expedited work on site continued, with stages of development as at October 27, 2018 were as follows:
(i)         The construction of the 50-bedroom terrace Hotel blocks has reached the casting level, where two blocks had been cast and  concrete blocks currently laid for the first floor (storey);
(ii)        The construction of the Office and Conference Centre: the decking had been cast with blocks laid for the first floor (storey) while iron work was in progress for the casting of the over 500-seat Conference Centre);
(iii)       The construction of the Library and Book Depository Complex had reached the decking level with iron work in progress;
(iv)       The construction of the Chalets for the Writers’ Residency was in steady progress;
(v)        Erection of a moderate-sized signboard by ANA on the site in 2018 in compliance with the requirement of Development Control Department of Federal Capital Development Authority (FCDA), immediately after the major entrance, off the road leading to Mpape city-centre, with the names of the Association, the developer (KMVL) and sub-contractor boldly inscribed on it;
(vi)       A significant re-design in the construction of the Conference Centre was initiated by ANA National Executive, when after a due consultation with building engineers, wrote to the developer (KMVL) to request for the immediate removal of the six column bases in the hall in order to make room for seating spaces; and
(vii)      Fencing of the five hectares earmarked for development exclusively for ANA had been done (three coaches high) before the commencement of the 37th ANA International Convention in Lagos, on October 25-28, 2018.
Challenges faced in the course of development of the Writers’ Village in the years in question such as the earth tremor experienced in some parts of Abuja (more pronounced at the Mpape axis) as well as lack of funds (Seven Million Naira, to be specific) that would be used to re-establish beacons on the land that would give the accurate perimeters and funds (Twenty Million Naira) for a topographic survey among others were also highlighted in the reports presented to the Congress in 2017 and 2018. The Congress was also notified in the report of 2018 of the existing case of Gandu Properties Nig. Ltd & 1 other Vs. Miyosam Ventures Ltd & 11 others, Suit No.: CV/1205/2012 where the Association was the 4th and 5th co-defendants. This case was (and is still) pending at High Court of Federal Capital Territory (Court 4, to be precise), Maitama, Abuja.

There has been substantial progress on the structures on the Writers’ Village. As at the 29th day of October, 2019, the following is the current state of the affairs in terms of the level of development on the land:
(1)   The construction of the 50-bedroom terrace Hotel units has reached the casting for the final  and second floor(storey) for one unit, while blocks are being laid for the walls of the final and second floor (storey) of the other two units:
(2)   The construction of the over 500-seat Conference Centre has reached the casting level with the pillars for the gallery already fixed, while the section for the Office Complex has been cast  preparatory for the laying of blocks for the final and second floor (storey);
(3)   The construction of the Library and Book Depository has been done at the carcass level (that is, it has gone beyond the casting level) with blocks being laid for the final and second floor (storey) for other office spaces;
(4)   The construction of Chalets for the Writers’ Residency is at the lintel level (the stage  for door-and-window casting albeit before roofing); and
(5)   Owing to flooding, the drainage work already done in previous years had to be upgraded as well as expanded road network, additional re-grading, stone pitching works were carried out.

On Saturday, 5th day of October, 2019, the National Executive organised a Project Media Tour where journalists, renowned academics,  members of the Association and stakeholders were taken around the Writers’ Village. Questions were asked as to the current phase of the development on the land as well as the legal status of the Association vis-à-vis the land, which were satisfactorily answered. Three former Presidents (Prof. Femi Osofisan, Dr. Wale Okediran and Prof. Jerry Agada), Prof. Idris Amali (one-time Assistant General Secretary during the Prof. Femi Osofisan administration), some members of the Advisory Council, respected academics, stakeholders and members of the Association amongst others were in attendance.

(i)         Uncollected Certificate of Occupancy:
In the 2016 Report of the Committee, the Congress was kept abreast with the current status of the C. of O. for the land with a promise by the developer (KMVL) to make arrangements for collection before that year’s ANA’s Convention as this would enhance the release of funds for the development of the estate from financial institutions. However, in a meeting dated October 21, 2017, the Committee in a meeting with some members of the National Executive and the developer (KMVL) resolved that though the collection of the C. of O.  would be a positive development (with the ground rent as at time over twenty-five million naira which must be paid first before collection), it was not an urgent priority over the ongoing projects on the land and that instead of paying over N25m for the collection of the C. of O., such available funds, if gotten, should be prudently channeled towards further development on the land.
(ii)        Topographic Survey:
Just like the C. of O. in the preceding paragraph, the sum of twenty million naira (N20, 000,000.00) is required for a topographic survey of the land. The fund is not yet secured nor a Quantity Surveyor who could do it at a much-reduced rate gotten and this may not be a top priority for now.
(iii)       Re-establishment of Beacons:
As reported last year by the Committee, the estimated sum of seven  million naira (N7, 000,000.00) is required for the re-establishment of beacons on the land with a view to ascertaining the accurate perimeters. This fund till date is still unavailable and as a result this is not yet carried out. This too may not be a top priority as of the moment.
As the Congress could recall, the Committee last year intimated it of the above-mentioned case pending before the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, specifically before Hon. Justice Goodluck of Court 4, Maitama, Abuja. In this case, the Association is the 4th and 5th co-defendants with the current developer, KMVL Properties Ltd, as 6th co-defendant while the erstwhile developer, Home Securities Ltd., is the 3rd co-defendant. Other co-defendants include FCDA, the Nigerian Police, the Inspector General of Police, the Commissioner of Police of the FCT, EFCC and the Executive Chairman of EFCC and one Yohana Y. D. Margif (a.k.a Yohana Mutform). The matter had been coming up over the past months of this year. However, at the last  court sitting, being the 25th day of September, 2019 where it was slated for ruling on a Motion on Notice (for an interlocutory order restraining the Association and its privies from further development on the land), the ruling was not ready and the case was further adjourned to 20th November, 2019 for ruling on the Motion on Notice for interlocutory injunction restraining the Association and the Developer or their privies from further development. Like our stance last year, we are still optimistic that on the next adjourned date, the ruling may be in favour of the Association.

As can be clearly seen from the reports of the Committee (reproduced in a summarised form above) from 2016 to 2018 and this year's, the Denja Abdullahi-led National Executive in the past four years has taken monumental steps in the development of the Writers’ Village that will make it a walk-over for successive National Executives to complete it with ease. In the legal parlance, when an issue is established beyond doubt with the arithmetical precision of circumstantial evidence, the Latin maxim is res ipsa loquitur, meaning in the layman’s terms, ‘the facts speak for themselves.’ The structures on the land (commenced from the barest scratch) since the inception of this relentlessly proactive administration speak for themselves. The Association has never since the Achebe days had it so good and this period could well be said to be the outset of the golden age for the most populous writers’ body in Africa.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve.

    Isaac Attah Ogezi, (National Legal Adviser, ANA.)